Perfect timing.

June 23, 2010 at 11:35 am (my Life)

“Are you serious?!” is pretty much the way my life goes. Things happen and you wonder about the timing. So, while I’ve just finished up dealing with the horribly expensive sale of my home, I guess I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to purchase a brand new air conditioning unit for those buyers? YES! What a fantastic idea! I shall do that! I don’t get an $8,000 tax credit, but what the heck, I’ll throw that in on top of the $12k I owe for closing costs 😀 Noooo prob!

Now, to mix things up a little, I thought, hey, wouldn’t it be cool if my parents’ air conditioner broke too? YES! Great! We can all just start giving money away, money we don’t have! And, it’s great because they just loaned me money to close on my fantastic house so of course they can just go grab some more from the money tree growing out back to pay for their own A/C replacement! This is working out so well I can hardly stand it!

Meanwhile, I’m getting all settled in at the restaurant I transfered to, so, to make things a little more challenging for myself, I decided that falling down the stairs would be awesome. I could learn to toughen up a little and WORK THROUGH THE PAIN gosh darn it! GO GO GO! Just a little back pain, don’t be such a baby! Sheesh! But perhaps that wasn’t enough, lets see… Oh! I know, I could wish for my car to break! Perfect! That way, when I get up to go to work in the morning, I’ll be surprised by a car that just won’t start. Hmmm yes, not sure how much this will cost to repair, but what the heck, MONEY GROWS ON TREES!!! There’s no need to worry, the government has our backs 🙂 We’ll get through this with their support for sure!

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