“I was enchanted to meet you…”

February 25, 2011 at 1:25 am (my Life)

Ahh the age of 30 is fast approaching. I was chatting with a friend of mine today and we were discussing this very topic. She has been worrying about this for quite a while, but this time, I told her to stop focusing on 30 and start enjoying 29, or at least what is left of it.

For me, 30 doesn’t represent an age as much as it represents a milestone in one’s life. This asks you to question what you’ve accomplished in that time; of which I have felt I haven’t been living up to my own expectations. Someone at work asked me what specifically I haven’t yet accomplished and I completely avoided the question. I felt my answer of having a family or children was silly. It made me realize that I am on a completely different path than I had originally set out on and that I needed to find what I HAVE accomplished. So, here I go…All this, in the past 4 years:

1. I have learned (or am in the process of learning) to play guitar and it’s my most favorite thing!
2. I put a video on youtube of myself playing too which is totally crazy but something I only dreamed of doing because I never thought I’d have the guts to do it! ha!
3. I’ve gotten closer with my friends & family and I’m forever grateful for each of them in my life.
4.  I have a job that I enjoy.
5. I’ve survived a divorce, the loss of a job and the loss/sale of a home and am stronger and more knowledgeable because of all of it 🙂

I’m sure there are more, but these are the biggest things. Of course, a family is something I still look forward to in my life but I am happy to know that I can look back at this time and finally see good coming from it. I was wondering when this day would come. 🙂 I hope it keeps coming!

I am in love with this Taylor Swift song called “Enchanted”, hence the title 🙂 But to also give relevance to the title, I am enchanted by the life I currently live. Interested, learning and questioning all the possibilities.

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